A kitten is Not a Toy

We often hear mothers with young children say that they want to buy a kitten “to surprise the children”. Be careful! In this approach, only the children count, the kitten being reduced to the status of a simple toy.

This reminds us of the unfortunate kittens given as Christmas presents and abandoned a few months later when they have grown up and no longer amuse their owner. Animal shelters are full of cats that are rescued this way.

It is important to know that children can be very cruel to their pets because of their lack of awareness. Adopting a kitten is a serious act that requires commitment and responsibility.
The kitten must be welcomed into the home for its own well-being and not for the pleasure of children.

However, this truth is far from being obvious to everyone.

A cat in a house gives the child the possibility to develop his sense of responsibility and especially the respect of living beings and this from his youngest age. But this can only be done if the parents are aware of this and teach their child to respect animals. In particular, as far as the kitten is concerned, not to spend his day chasing him, not to pull his tail, to respect his sleep, to let him eat and do his toilet quietly. Also, it is good to teach him how and which parts of the cat’s body it is possible to caress.

Finally, recent serious studies show that the presence of a cat near a child would contribute to make the child much more resistant to allergies.

And never forget that when you adopt a cat, it is for life and whatever happens.


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